Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Creating a Cultural Center in the Los Angeles "Ghostbusters Firehouse" Historic Fire Station No.23


The purpose of a “Downtown Cultural Center” is to house and develop scientific, historic, artistic and civic, projects, exhibits and events for the cultural and commercial development of our Downtown community in the interest of our residents, workers and visitors.
The Corporation for History, Art and Culture (CHAC) believes that Historic Fire Station Old 23 located 225 E. 5th Street in the Central City East community of Los Angeles must be administered and maintained in the public interest.
Initially, CHAC’s plan is to restore this great building and to fully utilize its obvious architectural and acoustic assets in the most practical and beneficial way possible. Once restored, this United States and Municipal Historic Landmark, Fire StationNo. 23, properly managed as a Community Cultural Center, will be a revenue generating machine which will contribute significantly to the development of our community’s precious human resources as well as Downtown’s culture and commerce.
Old 23 is already world famous as a location for many movie and other media productions. It is most famous as the Ghostbusters Headquarters in the movie of the same name. As a Cultural Center and community asset, it will build and expand on its professional reputation as it serves the arts and community service organizations of our community. The Center will also endeavor to hire local residents for skilled and unskilled work both during restoration and in the staffing and maintenance of the Cultural Center, whenever possible, thus serving as a source of income for our local residents and a magnet for local business. The Cultural center will present events that will bring shoppers into the neighborhood.

The Cultural Center Multi-Media Event, Exhibit and Production Facility:
This building will include an Exhibit Hall/Event Venue and a state of the art Multi-Media Production/Artist Training and Development Facility.
It will serve as a place to create, develop and present the culture of our local community through our technical and creative artists, thinkers and organizations and inspire us through the work of others from around the world.
It will enrich our lives daily with exhibits and presentations of art, science, history, and civic interest displays. Local artists will have a place to display their work, which will be changed according to the volume of artwork submitted. The art and campaigns of our community’s youth will also be regularly presented at the Center.

Local groups will have a place to present exhibits explaining their work or present ideas and information in the public interest. The community will have a place to view the work of individuals and organizations outside of our community in the areas of history, art, science, civil governance and culture.
The Cultural Center:
A Resource for Developing Cultural Expression Unique to the Community It Serves;
One of the primary goals is to allow a community to develop a culture that expresses its own unique styles and sensibilities with quality equipment and in a creative environment. From the results of this vehicle of expression will arise songs, TV pilots, DVDs, spoken word, new artists and product that can be brought to the awareness of public. It will be in the interest of The Firehouse Cultural Center to explore every avenue available to market all finished material and the artists that are involved in Center produced work. It will the goal of the Cultural Center to assist artists in generating work on their own. In return artists will be required to allow a percentage of the rights of all material produced through the Center. The Center will attempt to market its work in such a way so as to increase its value. Marketed material will serve as a means of increasing the funding for new community projects.

Regular fundraising events will be held by CHAC to finance the Centers various activities and programs. Once restoration is complete, local community service groups will have a place, which will be elegant, fully insured and staffed for use as a fundraising hall. Staff will be comprised of local residents whenever possible. Use of the Center for this purpose will be free or based on a percentage of funds raised. Local musicians, media artists, performers and theatrical groups will have a place to present and perform their work. The Center will contribute to the promotion of all events held.

As a state of the art multi media production/technical and creative artist development and training facility, the Center will house an audio, video, computer arts and film production facility. Technical and creative artists as well as community service groups will be awarded CHAC grants based on income, local residency, originality, talent, educational value and civic interest of the project proposed.
Use of the facility by media professionals will help to fund and enhance the centers grants and community service work. As well as rental fees, professionals will be encouraged to contribute their expertise on grant projects originating in the Center.
Grant artists and students enrolled in internship programs and classes at the Center, will work on all professional projects there whenever possible.

Community service organizations will be encouraged and aided by CHAC in the production of projects in the public interest. Projects would include presentation of the organization and their work, information important to the public or educational material suitable for distribution to schools or organizations.
Classes for local youth will be held to develop their creative talents in visual and performing arts, media and encourage, service learning and civic engagement.
I invite you to learn more about the Corporation for History, Art and Culture Firehouse Project by reading the outline on our website @

Thank you for your interest,
Daniel Taylor
President Corporation for History, Art and Culture, email:


  1. Any current fundraisers in the works?

  2. Yes in addition to our general building maintenance and restoration fund which you can contribute to by goint to our site at
    We also are beginning to start a fund for the preservation or the original dedication stone.
    Learn more at

    thanks for your interest
    Daniel Taylor
